Fine Arts Specialization

Fine Arts are suitable for all children between the ages of five and eighteen that are interested in active artistic creation. During their studies, children learn the foundations of drawing, painting, graphic arts, modelling, and art history. We lay emphasis on the development of imagination in both two- and three-dimensional space. We teach our students to express their own original artistic taste and we encourage them to create, design and implement their own techniques.

The instruction is divided into three stages: (1) the preparatory stage, (2) the seven-year elementary stage, and (3) the four-year secondary stage.
Lessons include not only classic drawing and painting, but also designing three-dimensional objects, for example, puppets, reliefs, sculptures, and ceramic artefacts. We also use traditional materials in non-traditional ways.

Pupils visit interesting exhibitions and participate in various artistic competitions.

Older students who want to pass talent tests in order to be admitted to secondary art schools or art colleges can undergo individual preparation aimed at fulfilling the requirements of the admission process of the chosen programme of study.